Many... All? JDM(Japan Domestic Market) cars have a 180 km/h speed limiter on them... Not sure why anybody would want to go faster than that..
But, if you are racing your car on the circuit.. especially at this weekends event (Fuji Speedway), then there is a chance that you will be going over 180km/h...
So for those that have the desire to go faster.. the HKS SLD (Speed Limit Defencer) is your answer.. Once installed, you will be able you go as fast as you dare...
Super Autobacs →¥14,500
This is what he looks like.. small simple little device.. there are some switches on the front.. need to let it know what kind of car you have.
There is the ECU. The silver square box in the passenger side foot area. Basically, the SLD gets wired into the ECU wires.
Little better view of the ECU. Quite big actually... This is the brains of the entire car!
Not sure why they put these little connectors ends on the wire... because I will just..
cut them right off!
Wire up the power and splice into the speed sensor input... solder them up, and your done!
This guy just kind of sits there.. I just tucked it behind the carpet and re-installed the panels..
Start to finish was about 30 minutes...
Next step... testing it...... check out the video~~